Monday, April 5, 2010

Save the Tour of Missouri!

Good times in the Show-Me state

Pic: Notley

I've escaped from my dark, labored, slog of a winter and am seeking a little help. The Tour of Missouri is in jeopardy of loosing critical state funding. The vote is on Tuesday or Wednesday (TBD) and if you have half a heart you'll send an email to one or all of the Missouri Senate Appropriation Committee members.

This link makes it incredibly easy to fire off a bunch of emails. Do it for all the malnourished pro cyclists, do it for my lovely home state, do it because if your not for it your against it - and that's not very American.

I'll be back soon with a cry-me-a-river update full of legal innuendo, billions of small pieces, and the ski trip from hell. Then I promise regular, fun filled posts.